Jumping At Once

There are about 7.3 billion people on Earth. If the whole population were to gather in one place in a tight space, then they would all fit the size of New York City. The area of NYC is 304.6 square miles. 

7,300,000/304.6 = 23965857

Therefore, there are 23965857 people per square mile. T.F. Green Airport is 352,000 square feet.

352,000 square feet = 0.0126 square miles
23965857 x 0.0126 = 301970

This means that 301,970 people can fit in T.F. Green Airport. Furthermore, there would have to be about 24,174.6 T.F. Green Airports to fit the entire population.

If everyone were to jump at the same time in one location close together, then there would be an enormous sound that would actually be the loudest sound made on Earth (200 decibels). The sound would be so loud that it would shatter eardrums. In addition, if the jump were to be done near the coast then the jump could create a small shake that could actually cause a tsunami.

In terms of the motion of the Earth, there would not be much difference in the big picture because the mass of the Earth is extremely larger than the mass of the population which would incite not much of a difference.
The mass of the Earth is about 5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.
The mass of the population is about 286,670,377,840 kg.
As can be seen, the jump would be pretty minuscule in comparison to the Earth's motion.


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