Jumping Around

If everyone on the earth jumped at exactly the same time, in the same place, what would happen? 
When I first thought about this question, I figured maybe a few small tsunamis would flood several continents. But upon further thinking and investigation into this question, I learned my prediction was very off. First of all, the earth is massive in size compared to the approximate 7.4 billion people on earth. Also, the earth is spinning and orbiting around the sun at a very fast velocity. The velocity of the earth around the equator is about 460 m/s. Due to the massiveness and speed of the earth, the impact of 7.4 billion people jumping is quite minuscule in comparison.
Now the next system of equations needed to solve for the needed variables, such as the final velocity of the earth and the final velocity of all of the people jumping at the same time.

 Image result for earth white background
The Earth
Mass: 5.972 × 10^24 kg
The velocity of the Earth at the Equator: 460 m/s
Image result for person jumping clip art
Average Mass: 60kg (Lower than adult average because young children would be jumping too!)
Weight of all people: 444000000000kg
Gravity: -9.8m/s^2

An equation which shows how to find your max height of a jump: 
\[ h_{jump} \ &= \  \frac{1}{2} \frac{(\frac{I}{M})^2}{a} \]

    \[ $where  $ I = \displaystyle\int_{start}^{takeoff}{\bigg(F_{Jumper}(t) - F_{gravity}(t) \bigg) dt }  \]

Average Jump Height: around .4m 
Mass of people = 52kg(7billion) = 3.57 x 10^11 kg
Mass of Earth = 5.972 x 10^24 kg
Velocity of the Earth (normal x direction) = 460 meters/second
Velocity of the people (normal x direction) = 0

The Math

Now, I believe the equations would look something like this:
Pi = Pf 
 Pearth + Ppeople = Pearthf + Ppeoplef
MVe + MVp = MVef + MVpf
Ei = Ef 
1/2mve^2 + 1/2mve^2= 1/2mvef^2 +1/2mvpf^2
(-mvpf = vef)/

The actual vertical velocity of all the people would be 2.6 x 10^-13 m/s So my final velocity was off by about 1.8 x 10^-13

This velocity is not strong enough to do anything to the earth, which weighs 1.13 x 10^25 pounds, except maybe move fractions of a common quantity. 

To Actually Create a Reaction

To actually create some force on the earth while the 7.4 billion people jump up together, either a lot  
more people are needed for more mass which would create a bigger impact or the people need to
jump from a greater height. However, jumping from a greater height is problematic because of people
getting injured after coming into contact with about 4,000 newtons of force will break the human femur. 

My idea to actually create a reaction that would move the earth would either be to have more people jump, for more mass, or to have people jump from a greater height. Potentially, the 7.4 billion people could board planes at T.F. Green and then skydive at the same time. However, all of these people would need extremely special shock-absorbent suits and TF Green would need more than all of the airplanes in the world to try to get enough people in the sky at the same time. 
source: https://www.livescience.com/33383-everyone-on-earth-jumping-at-once.html


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