Everyone Jumps. The consequences?

Everyone Jumps!

Now at least everyone in their life has wondered what would happen if the whole world jumped at the same exact time. In 2016, the world's population was approximately 7.4 billion. In 2017, it has been estimated to be around 7.6. The area of Rhode Island is approximately 1, 212 mi^2. Everyone needed to fit (according to my sources) would need an average of 4 square ft. So with Rhode Island's area, approximately 8,400,000,000 (8) billion people could stand shoulder to shoulder in Rhode Island.

So lets say that all the earth's population gathered in Rhode Island at 2:30 in the afternoon. It takes everyone approximately 2 hours to gather because these days you can't expect anyone to show up on time. So at 4:30 everyone will jump. Will the earth's motion be affected.

Well.... Here are some things I know according to my sources:

  1. There are 7 billion people in the world. 
  2. The average weight of each person is around 50 kg if you take all ages into account. 
  3. The average vertical jump is around .3 meters. 
  4. The mass of the Earth is 6 x 10^24 kg 
  5. The gravitational field near the Earth's surface is 9.8 N/kg 


Here are the equations I used:

Here are the calculations I did:


Based on these results I concluded that the Earth's motion would only change by the slightest amount.  Based on my math I got that it would move 1.4 * 10^-13 and my source said that it was moved by 2.6 *10^-13. Although there might have been a mistake in my math, the numbers were both extremely small. Therefore, if we all jumped at the same time it would have a little affect on the earth's motion. The earth's weight is up to 10 trillion time are weight. Therefore even if seven billion people decided to jump at the same time it would only move the earth a minuscule amount. 

Susan and T.F Green Airport

So after the jumped failed, everyone was stuck stuffed next to people they didn't know and probably didn't really like. So after the failure, being impatient, everyone ran to T.F Airport. While most of them couldn't fit. Most were able to shove their way through. Except traffic was seriously backed up. Plane flights were held back, and the traffic jam on 195 and 295 was horrendous! 

However, after the failure this little girl named Susan debated how many people it would take to to move a whole building by jumping. She figured that if we could recreate the force of an earthquake it is possible to ruin the structure of T.F. Green Airport. So what did she do. She did some research. Well based on sources the airport has an elevation of 17 m and takes up about 1111 acres of land. So if each person takes up 4 sq ft. Then how many acres would the airport have to be? It would have to be at least 28 billion sq ft. So it would have to be at least 642791.55188246 acres. That's a lot. Now if you were to break this into floors, that could potentially help although you would probably need over 100 floors. Susan said the math for that was not worth it. So she decided to change her prompt to this.... If you gathered the amount of people that can cover the 1111 acres of land in one floor would they be able to move a plane if they all jumped at the same time.  

Now if you had 1111 acres of land and each person took up around four sq ft.... each person would take up around 9.1827e-5 acres. Now if you have 1111 acres and you divide this by 9.1827e-5, then you should have a total of about 12170980.9. However since you can't have .9 of a person Susan was quick to recognize that you can fit 12170980 people. That being said she began her math.... 

Susan's Calculations: 

Average mass of people: 50 kg
Average jumping height: .3 m
Average mass of a jet airplane: 8830 kg


After doing her calculations, Susan discovered that the velocity of the plane was greatly affected! The plane moved about 636.6 m/s after everyone jumped. While the people were not strong enough to move the earth they were able to move a plane. So in this case Susan wonders if they moved the plan then what other things did they affect when they tried to move the earth. That is when she realized total chaos was unleashed. So lesson learned do not all jump at the same time. 


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