A Huge Jump for Humanity

Jumping; something I've always liked doing since I was a child. Trampolines, beds, jump rope,
you name it. When I was 12, my cousins from New York came to visit, and I remember going
up an elevator at the Providence Place Mall. My cousin, Jackson, being the boyish teen he
was, instructed me, my brother, and my other cousins to jump on the count of three. So, we
listened and prepared to jump. As the elevator continued to go up and approached our
destination, he continued to count to three, and on three, the elevator reached its destination,
and we jumped. We jumped all together, and as we landed, the elevator shook and went down
just a bit. To me, that was quite interesting, and fun.

But what what happen if everyone gathered in one area of the earth, and jumped? Would the
earth start to bob, or split in half? Would the earth start orbiting around the sun differently?
Well, let’s find out.

The earth has a mass of approximately 5.972 x 10^24 kg, or
5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg.
I don't even know how to say that number- It's huge! Meanwhile, the entire human population
(as of 2012) only has a mere mass of approximately 286,670,377,840 kg.

Therefore, realistically speaking, making the earth bob, causing tsunamis, or splitting the planet in half
would be impossible.

Why? Well, the mass of the entire population is nothing relative to the mass of the earth. Even with
everyone on the planet all together, the velocity of our jump would only be about 2.6 x 10^-13 
m/s, which would really do nothing huge like split the earth in half, due to the large mass of 
our earth. Therefore, to cause something major like substantially change the earth's orbit 
and knock it out, we would need a gravitational influence of  something larger than the 
earth, such as another planet. But, since we are little humans, there may be a rumble due to
 the impact done on the surface of the earth, causing the earth to shake a bit, almost like an 
earthquake. It would be over shortly, though, and not quite enough to knock the earth out of 
its orbit.

Now if people were to gather around our small state of Rhode Island around the TF Green 
Airport, it might unfortunately collapse due to the rumbling and shaking of the jump. The rumbling would cause the earth to shake, which would result in the destruction of the airport. It would collapse, and it would have to be rebuilt again. That wouldn't be good- as people would have to fly home back to their own homes all around the globe. So, let's just take this and learn that we should not gather together and jump to see what would happen.


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