1...2...3... Jump!

If everyone decided to jump all at once in the same location, the results would most likely be... fatal.

There are approximately 7.4 billion people in the world. So lets give everyone an average of 4 square feet, we would need 14.8 billion square feet. Rounding up to 28 million sq. ft. Per sq. mile, dividing then by the 4 sq. ft. Per person, you get 7 million people per sq mile, so with Rhode Islands roughly 1200 sq miles, then 8,400,000,000 (8 billion) people could stand shoulder to shoulder in Rhode Island.


Everyone can fly in from around the world into T.F. Green Airport, however it may take a bit of time for everyone to get here. 

Now that we have everyone, there is a unanimous 1..2..3... Jump!

Earth outweighs us by a factor of over ten trillion. On average, we humans can vertically jump maybe half a meter on a good day. Our jump would push on the Earth ever so slightly, giving it a recoil speed of 2.6 x 10^-13 m/s. That is, in one second, Earth would move about a hundredth of the radius of a single hydrogen atom.

No, the world did not plummet and didn't more too far either... but you wouldn't be paying attention to that because your ears hurt and you can't record the jump on any social media. 

The jump of everyones feet would not seem loud if they were just yours, but it has been multiplied by 7.4 billion. Theoretically, it would shatter everyones eardrums. Also, the cell networks have all collapsed under the unprecedented load.

Tsunamis and earthquakes may also occur because of the shock to the earth. Say everyone survives, getting out of Rhode Island would be a disaster. People would starve to death and no one would know how to get around (your phone doesn't work!!!). 

Moral of the improbable story: Do not try this at home. Especially our home. We like Rhode Island!!!

Samuels, Delano. “Here's What Would Happen If Everyone on Earth Jumped at the Same Time.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 25 Apr. 2016, www.businessinsider.com/everyone-on-earth-jumps-at-the-same-time-2016-4.

“What Would Happen If Everyone Jumped at Once?” Mental Floss, 31 Jan. 2014, mentalfloss.com/article/54836/what-would-happen-if-everyone-jumped-once.


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