Almost Freezing To Death

Building forts is an old tradition of winter time. I mean who doesn't love going out in a subzero environment and building a shelter out of natural materials. Although it was hard work, my dad and I had a great time almost getting frost bite together.

I started out the fort by digging out a hole and building a foundation.

I then proceeded to cut my Christmas tree in half and then striped the branches off of the top half.

My dad and I, then, stood the tree up in the center of the hole I dug and closed the foundation around the tree.

I then surrounded the base of the tree with snow and branches from the top half of the tree.

Then I used the wreath as a door way and filled in the holes with more branches. With that the fort was finished!

As you can see the fort can comfortably fit a person while it shields them from the unforgiving winds and freezing temperatures that I had to build it in.

Although I'm pretty sure I got sick from building this, I had a really great time with my dad and sister. 


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